Compassionate Advocacy for You & Your Family

Marital Property Valuation & Division

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The fair valuation and division of marital property assets are some of the most complex issues that family law attorneys encounter. Most people aren’t aware of the current and future value of their assets, including pension plans, stock funds, real estate property, and businesses. Attorney Paul C. Bishop has the technical and professional resources to provide a full valuation of marital assets.

He works with a variety of business valuation consultants, pension evaluators, and actuarial experts to make sure that marriage property is fully valued for fair distribution in a settlement agreement or court order.

Contact The Law Offices of Paul C. Bishop today to discuss property division and valuation.

Attorney Paul C. Bishop takes a level-headed approach to marital property division. He helps his clients understand when some assets are worth fighting for in court and when it is more cost-effective to negotiate an amicable settlement.

He can help you value and divide all types of property in your divorce, including:

Marital Property Valuation & Division Attorney in Norwood, Massachusetts

Protecting End-Of-Marriage Rights with Asset Valuation and Division

A Commonsense Approach to Getting the Settlement You Need

Are you in need of an attorney who will help you fight for what you deserve? Contact me in Quincy.

Locating Hidden Assets

One of the most difficult tasks for many divorce attorneys is locating hidden assets and investment accounts. Second marriages, in particular, often include hidden assets that were not disclosed to spouses, particularly if no prenuptial agreement was drafted. We use forensic accountants and other financial investigators to discover where money may be hidden or has not been appropriately accounted for. We have helped our clients in and around Massachusetts uncover financial assets hidden under many complex layers of accounting tricks, silent partnerships, and confidential agreements. We take marital estate property division seriously to protect our clients’ interests.

Let Us Help You Strive for A Fair Property Settlement

If you are considering a divorce, don’t assume that you will be awarded a fair property settlement. With extensive experience in property division and business valuation, we can help you protect your rights and interests. Contact our family law attorney to help you get the marital property division you are entitled to.

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The Law Offices of Paul C. Bishop

220 Norwood Park S Ste 101

Norwood, MA 02062

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(617) 804-4854


Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
The Law Offices of Paul C. Bishop

220 Norwood Park S Ste 101

Norwood, MA 02062


(617) 804-4854


Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
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